Online Program Managers (OPMs) can serve as catalysts to revenue growth, but at what cost?
As many universities are signing over millions of dollars in revenue, academic control, marketing assets, and access to valuable research to OPMs, we at RNL recognize the need for an alternative. Our OPM alternative solution provides the same services as an OPM but allows the university to keep revenue, control, and access to research.
Listen as we share details on how the RNL OPM alternative will support your goals and leverage your capacities to foster sustainable growth and long-term revenue streams.
About the presenters
Charles Ramos, Vice President, RNL
Charles Ramos is a veteran of higher education, with almost 25 years of experience as an enrollment professional and consultant. His areas of expertise cover enrollment management, student success initiatives, and academic advising. Mr. Ramos has consulted for RNL for 8+ years, successfully serving over 50 institutions in the role of recruitment and predictive modeling consultant, as well as team leading some of RNL's larger partnerships.
Dawn Hiles, Senior Vice President, RNL
Before joining RNL in 2013, Dawn Hiles served as vice president of enrollment management and dean of admissions at Drury University (MO). During her time as vice president for enrollment management, Drury experienced the three highest years of enrollment in the university's 138 year history, while simultaneously increasing the class profile and net tuition revenue. Ms. Hiles brings a data-driven approach to identifying solutions and strategies that benefit the entire institution.