Cost, financial aid, and paying for college are top of mind for nearly all prospective students and their families. Many may not be aware of all the resources they have to pay for college or understand how the investment in an education may pay off after graduation. How can you better engage students and families in this conversation?
Start by exploring what students say about how they research college financing. Watch this webinar and see the latest results from an RNL survey of 1,250 high school juniors and seniors. You will hear insights into questions such as:
- How do high school students learn about college costs?
- How can you reach high school students so that information about financial aid and cost has the most impact?
- How many students expect to borrow to pay for college, and if so, how much?
- How many students continue to search for new colleges and universities in 12th grade?
- Do students understand their financial award communications and are they satisfied with their awards?
About the presenters
Darlene Dilley, M.Ed., Associate Provost for Enrollment Management, Utah Tech University
Darlene Dilley is a seasoned professional with over 27 years of experience in higher education and a proven record of success using strategic and data-driven approaches, including a demonstrated ability to lead collaborative and dynamic teams. Since joining Utah Tech University, they have seen significant enrollment growth of over 40% during her tenure and continues to grow and expand under her leadership. Darlene oversees the Enrollment Division which includes the offices of Admissions, Financial Aid & Scholarships, and International Students & Scholars.

Raquel Bermejo, EdD, Associate Vice President Market Research and Planning, RNL
Dr. Raquel Bermejo analyzes existing research, inquiry, and conversion data in addition to conducting original research with college-seeking students and parents to understand the trends and student behaviors. Her research informs and enhances the services the company provides.
Sylvia Ewell, Senior Consultant, RNL
With nearly 15 years of experience in admissions and financial aid, Sylvia Ewell offers a wide range of knowledge and expertise. She specializes in optimizing financial aid packages and improving recruitment strategies for traditional residential campuses as well as transfer and adult student populations.