Most institutions would happily accept more revenue. What if you could find that revenue without additional investment in new staff or technology? What if you could get it without undertaking the risk of launching new programs? What if you could pump up your revenue just by fixing the financial side of your student experience?
Watch this webinar to understand how the business of higher education feels from the students' perspective. You might find that your campus has been giving away a million dollars or more simply through poor business practices. You'll learn how to:
- Understand the flow—or leaks—that can occur as students travel from Financial Aid to Student Accounts, Admissions, the Registrar's office, and finally to Billing.
- Identify the institutional policies and procedures that might no longer match the way current students and their families want to do business—resulting in late billing, non-payment, and frustration all around.
- Help students use state and federal funding more effectively by proactively explaining how to navigate the financial aid process and reset policies.
- Communicate the institution's business expectations and processes so students know what to expect if they fail to follow through.
About the presenters
Jen McMahon, Vice President and Senior Consultant, RNL
As a vice president and senior consultant for RNL Advanced FinAid Solutions, Jen McMahon brings more than 15 years of experience in higher education. Her areas of expertise include financial aid, undergraduate admissions, graduate admissions, online admissions, student services, student accounts, and first-generation recruiting.
Aaron Basko, AVP for Enrollment Management, University of Lynchburg
Aaron leads the enrollment team at the University of Lynchburg, where we help students turn their passion into purpose. He oversees admissions and financial aid and guides them to deliver the best possible experience for prospective students and their families. residential life, and counseling.
Emily Williamson, Director of Financial Aid, University of Montana
Emily is currently the Director of the Financial Aid Office at the University of Montana (UM). Her first foray into the financial aid realm was in 2006 as a work-study student, from that point forward she was hooked and held various positions within the UM and MSU Billings financial aid offices. As a first generation, low-income student who relied on financial aid assistance to complete her degree, Emily understands the important role that financial aid plays in providing access to higher education.