There seem to be as many ways to assess program market demand as there are institutions and vendors. The conundrum is that an externally conducted analysis is often well beyond institutional budgets and an internally conducted analysis can be biased to what a given stakeholder may want to do.
So how can institutions effectively–and affordably–determine market demand for the programs they are considering? It all starts with an understanding that finding the right programs is a balance between market data and often intangible internal factors that we all call expertise, capacity, and will.
Once you bring these two sides of the coin together, you can get to work. The objectivity of the approach that we will work through in this webinar can be summed up as "It's all relative." We work through:
- Capturing a landscape
- Creating a road map
- Digging into the detail
Here's the good news: every single thing we cover in this webinar can be done by your team.
About the presenters
Laura Pedrick, Executive Director, UWM Online
Laura oversees UWM's online and blended programs. She co-chairs the Online Program Council, facilitates new program development, partners with the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning staff to promote high-quality online learning experiences, and works with University Communications and Media Relations and Undergraduate Admissions and the Graduate School on marketing and student recruitment for this growing segment of UWM's student population. She also serves as the point person for regulatory compliance, data requests, and grant proposals concerning online and blended instruction at UWM. Laura is the campus lead for UWM;s participation in the UW Flex Option, which offers 7 competency-based online programs. She facilitates the yearly Educational Technology Fee Allocation process and sits on the Executive Committee for the Chancellor's Enrollment Management Action Team (CEMAT).

Scott Jeffe, Vice President of Graduate and Online Research, RNL