On-Demand Webinar
Happy Fundraising New Year: Now What?

July means the start of a new fundraising fiscal year for many of us. While you are counting those final gifts, we also know you're also thinking about the next year. Take a break with us to review the past year, and talk about what's next for donor engagement.
This webinar goes into the following topics:
  • What happened in the last year with donor response, including key data from CASE, GivingUSA and hundreds of RNL partners, including key stats for alumni giving, digital channels, and campaigns.
  • We'll review key innovations we all had to make given the restrictions of the pandemic, and ask: will they last?
  • A review of giving days and crowdfunding - how do we keep these events fresh, and what's next?
  • How institutions are using ambassadors - students and volunteers, to amplify success.
  • What lifetime engagement means today, and how institutions are investing in added value to the alumni experience with career resources, lifelong learning, and other benefits.
It's been a challenging year for donor engagement. Brian and Shad take the time to talk about what happened this year, what's new, and hear from both the data and peers about how we can continue to transform donor engagement in FY22.
About the presenters
Shad Hanselman, Associate Vice President, RNL
Shad Hanselman is an experienced fundraising professional dedicated to advancing the art and science of annual giving. Before coming to RNL, Shad served in senior roles at the Arizona State University, Northern Illinois University, and Western Michigan University. Shad now coordinates RNL's next generation omnichannel donor engagement strategy for hundreds of client partners. 
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Brian Gawor, CFRE, Vice President, RNL
Brian is a 20-year higher education veteran and donor engagement expert who coordinates RNL's research and actionable insights to propel our partner's success. Hear Brian and guests on the popular Fundraising Voices podcast.

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