RNL and CampusESP have partnered together to conduct the largest research study of college parents—nearly 40,000 parents across more than 50 different institutions!
In this survey, we asked parents for their response to questions about their:
- Student enrollment plans
- Communication expectations
- Overall satisfaction with the COVID-19 college experience
In this session, RNL and CampusESP explore those results and leave you with a better understanding for how you could improve communication with your students' parents and families.
About the presenters
Raquel Bermejo, EdD - Associate Vice President Market Research and Planning, RNL
Dr. Raquel Bermejo analyzes existing research, inquiry, and conversion data in addition to conducting, original research with college-seeking students and parents to understand the trends and student behaviors. Her research informs and enhances the services the company provides.
Dave Becker, CEO, CampusESP
As SVP of Product Management at Ellucian, Dave was responsible for dozens of Higher Education solutions supporting 1,200 global customers. In his 18 years of experience in education technology, he's had the opportunity to visit and present at over 300 different colleges, campuses and conferences around the world. He has a passion for innovative thinking, and leveraging technology for student and university outcomes.