2024 RNL National Donor Survey

As advancement professionals, you understand that capturing the passion behind alumni generosity requires listening. RNL is gearing up for another listening campaign.
In the Fall of 2024, RNL will once again conduct a survey of thousands of American college and university alumni, asking questions regarding:
  • Philanthropic activities: volunteering and financial donations.
  • Areas of passion: including education, social justice, environmentalism, faith, and more.
  • Satisfaction: with their educational experience as alumni, and their current sense of connectedness.
  • Specific opportunities: that would inspire future engagement and giving.
Key RNL National Alumni Survey Information:
  • RNL fully funds the survey.
  • Institutions are required to send one pre-survey ‘warming message’ to alumni and a secure data file (10 fields) to RNL.
  • Benefits: Early access to national results, institution-specific summary report, and personalized response data.
  • Survey is private, linked to IDs for targeted post-survey marketing.
  • Priority for interested participants; diverse institutions sought.
  • Open to all accredited US institutions, regardless of RNL client status.
Please fill out this form if you are interested in participating. You'll receive more details and an agreement letter. Inquiries accepted through mid-September. Survey begins Fall 2024.

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