Home Resources College Planning Support: The Role of Counselors and Parents in the Wake of COVID-19

College Planning Support: The Role of Counselors and Parents in the Wake of COVID-19


College Planning Support white paper

Read how COVID-19 has affected the role of high school counselors and parents during the college search process

This paper contains research from RNL and our partners CampusESP, TeenLife, High School Counselor Connect, Cappex, and NAIA.

Parents and high school counselors play a tremendously influential role during a student’s college search. But how has that support changed during the COVID-19 crisis?

This white paper from RNL looks at new survey results of parents and counselors to show how the current crisis has altered their expectations and behaviors toward the college search process. Inside this paper, you’ll find research and insights on:

  • The ability of high school counselors to work with prospective college students during the COVID-19 crisis.
  • How the pandemic has influenced the thinking of parents as they help their children search for a college.
  • The impact on high school student athletes looking to compete at the collegiate level.

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